My yoga teacher is interested in all kinds of religions, and she says that what we need to do to find God (or "spiritual enlightenment," as she terms it) is to empty our minds of everything.


My yoga teacher is interested in all kinds of religions, and she says that what we need to do to find God (or "spiritual enlightenment," as she terms it) is to empty our minds of everything.


No, this isn’t what Jesus taught, and I hope you won’t go down the path your yoga teacher is suggesting. I don’t doubt her sincerity, and I also don’t doubt that she’s searching for God — but I also want to assure you that Jesus would point her in a different direction.

Why is this? The reason is because only one thing separates us from God, and that is our sin. God is pure and holy, and the reason we are separated from Him is because we’ve chosen to go our own way. As the Bible says, “Your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you” (Isaiah 59:2).

This is why we need Jesus Christ, because He came into the world to forgive us and cleanse us from sin. Only then can we know God, for only then will the barrier between God and our souls be erased. Emptying our minds of the things that distract us may bring some people a measure of peace — but our greatest need is to be at peace with God. That only comes as we turn to Christ in repentance and faith.

By faith open your life to Jesus Christ. When you do, He’ll not only forgive you, but He’ll make you part of God’s family forever. Then pray for your teacher, that she too will give her life to Christ. Then “the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7).