My mother suffered from anxiety and depression, now that she’s gone, is she happy in heaven?


My mother didn't have a very happy life, and now that she's gone I wonder what kind of a life she's having in Heaven. Is she happy and free from worries, or is she still kind of depressed and anxious? I worry about this.


Don’t worry about this; one of the Bible’s greatest truths is that Heaven is a place of complete peace and joy and happiness. The Bible says that in Heaven, God “will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away” (Revelation 21:4).

Is this mere wishful thinking? No, absolutely not! One reason is because in Heaven, we will be in God’s presence forever—and nothing evil or harmful can ever exist in His presence. Everything bad … everything negative … everything destructive … everything hurtful—none of these can ever touch us when we are in the presence of God. The Bible says, “You will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand” (Psalm 16:11).

But we’ll also experience complete joy and peace in Heaven because we’ll be free from sin’s power. Our lives have been infected with a deadly disease—the disease of sin. But by His death and resurrection Jesus Christ overcame sin’s power—and when we belong to Christ, we know that in Heaven we’ll be free forever from sin’s power. As the Bible says, “Sin shall no longer be your master” (Romans 6:14).

Is this your hope? Are you sure that when you die, you too will share in Heaven’s joy? You can be, by committing your life to Jesus Christ and trusting Him alone for your salvation. Invite Him to come into your life today.

Are you sure you’re going to Heaven? Be sure.