My husband passed away three years ago, and about the only thing that keeps me going is the thought that some day we'll be reunited in heaven. Am I just deceiving myself, or is it really true that we'll be together again?


My husband passed away three years ago, and about the only thing that keeps me going is the thought that some day we'll be reunited in heaven. Am I just deceiving myself, or is it really true that we'll be together again?


No, you aren’t deceiving yourself; the Bible assures us that those who know Christ will be reunited with their loved ones in heaven. The Bible says Christ died for us “so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him” (1 Thessalonians 5:10).

Let me assure you, however, that God understands your loneliness and grief, and He wants to encourage and help you every day. And He will as you turn to Him – as I have experienced in my own life since my wife, Ruth, went to be with the Lord almost two years ago. I miss her more than I can say, and every day I yearn for her presence. When death takes someone we deeply love a hole is left in our hearts, and it isn’t easily filled. In fact, it won’t be completely filled this side of eternity.

But when we know Christ, there is hope – hope for today, and most of all hope for eternity. Heaven is far more glorious than we can ever imagine, and all the burdens and heartaches that trouble us now will vanish. Not only will we be with those who’ve gone to heaven before us, but we will be with Christ.

Make sure of your commitment to Christ; if you are unsure of your salvation, ask Him to come into your heart today. Then thank Him for the hope He gives us, and ask Him to help you keep your eyes focused on Him every day.