Many years ago, when I was a teenager, someone took me to hear an evangelist. At the time, I really felt I ought to respond to his call to give my life to Jesus, but I resisted and turned my back on God. Will I ever have another chance, or has God passed me by?


Many years ago, when I was a teenager, someone took me to hear an evangelist. At the time, I really felt I ought to respond to his call to give my life to Jesus, but I resisted and turned my back on God. Will I ever have another chance, or has God passed me by?


It is never too late to turn to Christ – never. One of the Bible’s greatest truths is that God will forgive anyone who turns to Christ for forgiveness and trusts Him alone for their salvation, no matter what their past has been.

How is this possible? It is possible solely because God loves us and yearns for us to be His friends forever. He doesn’t want for us to be alienated from Him! Even if we ignore Him almost our whole lives, He still is ready to receive us – if we will receive Him. The Bible says, “You are forgiving and good, O Lord, abounding in love to all who call to you” (Psalm 86:5). This is why I urge you not to let another day go by without Christ.

Don’t misunderstand me, however; it would have been far better if you had heeded the Holy Spirit’s prompting and given your life to Christ as a young person. Think how different your life would have been – walking with God every day and finding strength to meet life’s challenges. You also ran the risk of dying without Christ and His salvation.

By a simple prayer of faith do now what you should have done years ago, and give your life to Christ. It won’t change the past – but it will change the future. The Bible says, “Now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).