Jesus Is the Only True Path


I'm in prison, and I'm fed up with people here who claim they've gotten religion. They're just trying to impress the parole board and get out earlier. I suppose you'll say I need God, and maybe I do, but I don't want anything to do with phony religion.


Let me ask you a question: Do you think God approves of what you call “phony religion?” No, of course He doesn’t. Some of Jesus’ strongest words were directed at those who claimed to believe in God and do His will, but in reality didn’t.

But does this mean all religion is fake, and everyone who claims to follow Jesus is a phony? No, absolutely not. God is real—and He’s not only real, but He made you, and He is concerned about you. And more than anything, He wants to come into your life to forgive you and begin to change you from within. And He will as you turn to Christ, repenting of your sins and committing your life to Him.

How do I know this? I know it because I’ve seen it happen in countless lives over the years—including my own. But I know it most of all because of Jesus Christ. He was God in human flesh, who came down from Heaven to save us and change us. Because of Him, the Bible says, “we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins” (Colossians 1:14).

Don’t let pride, or doubt, or sin, or anything else keep you from Christ. He alone can free you from the chains of bitterness and guilt, and He alone can give you hope for the future—both now, and for eternity. Ask Christ to come into your life today. Then ask Him to use you to help others discover the joy of genuine faith.

You can have hope for the future now.