I've never had anything to do with God, but a few months ago I became a Christian. What do I do now?


I've never had anything to do with God, but a few months ago I became a Christian. What do I do now? I turned my life over to Jesus listening to a radio program, but I've never been a member of a church or anything.


I’m very thankful you have given your life to Christ; it is the most important decision you will ever make. Not only will it open heaven’s door for you someday, but it will change your life right now, if you will let it.

I’m thankful also that you sense there must be something more to the Christian life than simply making your initial commitment. Far too many people, I’m afraid, make a commitment to Christ and then stop. But that isn’t God’s plan for us. God’s plan is to change us from within so we become more like Christ, and this happens as we grow closer to Him.

What should you do now? First, make it your goal to grow stronger in your faith. Just as a newborn baby is supposed to grow and eventually become an adult, so we are to grow and become mature in our faith. The Bible says, “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18).

Then take steps to grow in your faith every day. Just as a baby needs food (as we all do), so you need the spiritual “food” God has provided. What is this “food”? First, he has given us His Word, the Bible. He also has given us the privilege of prayer. In addition, He gives us other believers who can help and encourage us. Ask God to guide you to a church where Christ is preached and taught, and also set aside time each day to be alone with God through prayer and the Bible. God bless you.