I've gotten on a lot of mailing lists for religious organizations. I'm sure they all do good work, and I know they need money, but how do I decide which ones to give to?


I've gotten on a lot of mailing lists for religious organizations. I'm sure they all do good work, and I know they need money, but how do I decide which ones to give to? I feel badly that I can't give more.


Don’t feel guilty because you can’t support every ministry or charity that asks for money. If they are doing God’s work, He will raise up others to supply their needs, even if you can’t.

At the same time, don’t feel that it’s useless to give only a small amount to a ministry that God has laid on your heart. Do you remember the little boy who brought his lunch to Jesus? (You can read about him in Luke 9:10-17.) A vast crowd had followed Jesus into an isolated area — and no one had thought to bring food. The disciples naturally felt the boy’s little lunch was useless — but Jesus took it and miraculously multiplied it, feeding the entire crowd. And God can take even our smallest gifts and use them to touch lives.

The first thing you should do is to pray and ask God to guide you as you give. If you aren’t familiar with an organization, ask your pastor or other knowledgeable person about it. Read their literature carefully and prayerfully, and be sure you understand what they do. And don’t forget to support your own church.

Giving is important; the Bible says, “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7). But even more important is to pray for these groups, not only that they’ll use their money wisely, but that God will use them to bring people to Himself.