I've felt kind of a pull in my heart, telling me I need God. Or is it too late?


I was very active in church when I was young, but somehow I drifted away from it and haven't been in a church for many years. Recently, however, I've felt kind of a pull in my heart, telling me I need God. Or is it too late?


No, it isn’t too late to turn to God, because God loves you, and He wants to welcome you into His family. Like the father in Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son, God stands ready to welcome you home — no matter how far you’ve strayed (see Luke 15:11-31).

At the same time, I hope you won’t delay, because we never know how much time we have. Some day you will die — and then it will be too late. I strongly believe the “pull” you feel in your heart right now is from God, urging you to open your heart and life to Jesus Christ. Don’t reject His voice; if you do, your heart may become so hardened that you’ll never hear it again. The Bible warns, “I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).

What does it mean to give your life to Jesus Christ? It means first of all that you admit you are a sinner and need Him to forgive and cleanse you of your sins. It means too that you realize He gave His life for you by dying on the cross for your sins. It means as well that you ask Him to come into your life, and you trust Him alone for your salvation.

Don’t let your pride, or your guilt, or anything else keep you from Christ. Instead, discover the joy of God’s constant presence by giving your life to Christ today.