I've decided that going to church is just too big a hassle, so now I stay at home and watch the service from one of our local churches on television. What's wrong with that?


I've decided that going to church is just too big a hassle, so now I stay at home and watch the service from one of our local churches on television. What's wrong with that?


I’m thankful for the ministry many churches have today through television and radio, and now even the Internet. They can be a great blessing to people who can no longer get to church because of age, disability, or for some other reason.

But when we no longer go to church we miss out on something important — an opportunity for fellowship with other believers. Church shouldn’t just be a matter of sitting in a pew, listening to a service and then going home. It also should involve active fellowship with others — with men and women who can encourage us and help us grow closer to Christ. The Bible urges us to “encourage one another daily… so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness” (Hebrews 3:13).

I can’t help but wonder, however, if seeing church attendance as a “hassle” may indicate a deeper spiritual issue you need to face. Let me word it this way: How important is Jesus Christ to you? Are you content to leave Him on the on the fringe of your life (so to speak) — or is He the center and foundation of everything you do?

Don’t be satisfied with anything less than a full commitment to Jesus Christ. God loves you, and life’s greatest joy comes from knowing Him and walking with Him every day. Give your life without reserve to Him — and then ask Him to give you a new desire to gather regularly with God’s people in your church.