I've been seeing a counselor to try to understand myself. But when I told her that my faith is very important to me, she said I needed to forget God and face my problems on my own. Is she right?


I had a lot of problems when I was growing up, and recently I've been seeing a counselor to try to understand myself. But when I told her that my faith is very important to me, she said I needed to forget God and face my problems on my own. Is she right?


No, she isn’t right, and I’m sorry she has taken this position. Instead of trying to take away your faith, she should be encouraging you to seek God’s help. I suggest you ask your pastor or another person you trust for the name of another counselor.

Whenever I meet someone like your counselor, I always wonder why they are so hostile toward God. There may be many reasons–but often it’s simply because they want to run their own lives, and they don’t want God to interfere. Or they may also be filled with pride, and don’t think they need God.

Whatever the reason, when they meet a person who has a strong faith, they feel threatened, and they tend to react in a very negative way. In other words, this person’s words reveal more about her than they do about you. The Bible says, “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers” (Psalm 1:1).

Seek help (if you need it) from someone who will help you understand your problems and also encourage you to find strength from God. Remember: God loves you, and He doesn’t want you to be enslaved by whatever was wrong in your past. Jesus’ words are for you: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).