I've been diagnosed with cancer and only have about a 30 percent chance of survival. I've never bothered with God but is it too late?


I'm really in shock, because the doctor just told me I have cancer and now the surgery is scheduled for early next week. He says I only have about a 30 percent chance of survival. I've never bothered with God but is it too late? I know I shouldn't have ignored Him but I did.


One reason I wanted to print your letter is because I hope it will warn others about the dangers of ignoring God and leaving Him out of their lives. Death comes to us all eventually—and often it comes without warning. Why gamble with your soul?

No, it isn’t too late for you to turn to God—and I hope you will, for you need Him. You need Him now as you face this crisis, and you need Him as you face eternity. And the good news is that God loves you and wants to welcome you into His eternal home. You may have ignored Him all your life, but He will not ignore you. And now He is giving you another opportunity—perhaps your last—to turn to Him and give your life to Christ.

How do I know God loves you and is willing to forgive you? I know it for one reason: Jesus Christ willingly gave His life for you. You and I deserve to die for our sins—but Christ died in our place. The Bible says, “This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins” (1 John 4:10).

Confess your sins to God—including most of all your sin of ignoring Him. Then ask Christ to come into your life today—and He will. Then no matter what happens in the days ahead, you will be safely in Christ’s hands forever.