I've always been fascinated with astrology, and have tried to guide my life according to my horoscope, and things like that.


I've always been fascinated with astrology, and have tried to guide my life according to my horoscope, and things like that. But a couple of months ago I became a Christian, and I'm wondering if maybe I shouldn't be doing this. What is your view?


The real question isn’t what my view or anyone else’s view is about this — but what is God’s view. And God’s Word is very clear: He alone is our guide, and we are to look to Him alone for the wisdom we need. Nothing else is to take His rightful place.

The Bible teaches that we should have nothing to do with occult practices, including the things you mention. I realize you may not think of them this way — but they are, because they all involve mystical attempts to foretell the future (which the Bible rejects). The prophet Isaiah mocked the ancient Babylonians for depending on their astrologers for guidance instead of God: “Those stargazers who make predictions month by month…. are like stubble” (Isaiah 47:13-14).

Only God knows what is ahead of us, and we are to trust Him alone as we face the future — even when the way is unclear. And we can trust Him, because He loves us and wants what is best for us. How do we know this? We know it because of Jesus Christ, who went to the cross so our sins could be forgiven and we could abide in God’s presence forever.

You have made the most important decision any person can ever make by committing your life to Jesus Christ. Now build your life on the truth of His Word, the Bible, because it alone is “a lamp to my feet and a light for my path” (Psalm 119:105).