Is the devil real? I suppose you'll say he is, but I've always been skeptical about the existence of the devil.


Is the devil real? I suppose you'll say he is, but I've always been skeptical about the existence of the devil. I think instead that evil is kind of a force, somewhat like gravity or magnetism. Sometimes I wonder if I'm right, however, when I see all the bad things in the world.


Yes, the devil is real—and as you suggest, the proof is all around us. Although there is much about the devil we don’t fully understand, the Bible makes it clear that he is absolutely evil, and ultimately he is behind all the evil that goes on in the world. The Bible says he is “the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient (to God)” (Ephesians 2:2).

Whenever people ask me about the devil I always want to emphasize at least three truths. First, Satan is real (as I have just said). He isn’t a vague impersonal force; he is a powerful spiritual being with a real personality—which means he can scheme and plot against us.

Second, the devil has one main goal: to oppose God and His will for our lives. Sometimes Satan’s temptations seem very attractive—but in the end they will lead us away from God. The Bible calls him “that ancient serpent … who leads the whole world astray” (Revelation 12:9). Never forget: The devil is not your friend but your foe.

But the Bible tells us a final truth about the devil: He is a defeated foe! By His death and resurrection Jesus conquered Satan and broke his hold over us. Have you given your life to Christ? Don’t allow Satan even one inch in your life, but commit your life to Christ without delay.