Is spirituality something some people are just born with and others aren't?


I guess I've always believed in God, but I've not been what you'd call a very spiritual person. Recently, however, some things have happened that have made me realize I need to get closer to God, but I don't know how. Is spirituality something some people are just born with and others aren't?


God gave every one of us a soul, and He put within every one of us a desire to know Him—an empty place in our hearts that only He can fill. The reason is because He loves us and He wants us to come to know Him in a personal way. We were made for God, and we are only complete when we come to know Him.

Most people spend their lives trying to fill that empty place with other things: money, pleasure, fame, success, relationships, even false spiritualities. But only God can fill our hearts—and He will, as we turn in faith to Christ. Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10).

How does this happen? It happens as we open our hearts to Christ and commit ourselves to Him. You see, only one thing separates us from God, and that is our sin. Sin is our biggest problem—and it is a problem we cannot solve on our own. Only God can take away our sins, and He has already made this possible by sending Jesus Christ into the world to bear sin’s penalty on our behalf.

By a simple prayer of faith, ask Jesus Christ to come into your life today—and He will. Then grow closer to Him by spending time with Him in His Word, the Bible, and in prayer, and in fellowship with other believers.