Is looking at pornography wrong in God's eyes?


Is looking at pornography wrong in God's eyes? I admit I've gotten hooked on it through the Internet (which my wife doesn't know about) but I'm not sure I see anything wrong with it. Do you?


The fact that you are keeping this from your wife should give you the answer. If it isn’t right in your wife’s eyes (which I’m sure it isn’t), how can it be right in God’s eyes?

The Internet has brought many good things into our lives–but (like any other technological advancement) it also has opened the door to much that is evil. Right at the top of the list is pornography, which is now so accessible that millions of people have become addicted and enslaved by it.

Pornography is wrong in God’s eyes, and it will become a cancer in your soul that will destroy you if you aren’t careful. Pornography appeals to our lusts, and turns what God has created into something selfish and demeaning. The Bible is clear: “Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you” (2 Corinthians 6:17).

My prayer is that you will make a clean break with this habit and commit yourself instead to purity in your mind and heart. But more than that, commit your life to Christ. Right now, God has no place in your life. But you need His forgiveness and His salvation. You also need His Spirit living in you in order to resist temptation. Open your heart to Christ today, for “the blood of Jesus … purifies us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).