I'm widowed and in my late 70s now, and a few months ago I moved to a new city to be near my daughter and her family. I go to her church and love it very much, except they won't let me take the Lord's Supper because they restrict it to their members. Why do they do this?


I'm widowed and in my late 70s now, and a few months ago I moved to a new city to be near my daughter and her family. I go to her church and love it very much, except they won't let me take the Lord's Supper because they restrict it to their members. Why do they do this?


You have probably visited various churches in the course of your long life — and if you did, you realize that churches sometimes differ in the ways they worship. Some churches, for example, are very informal in their worship, while others take a more formal approach.

One of the ways churches have differed over the centuries is in their observance of the Lord’s Supper. Jesus gave it to His disciples so they would always remember His death on the cross for them: “For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes” (1 Corinthians 11:26). Whenever we join in celebrating the Lord’s Supper, we are reminded again of Christ’s great love for us.

Why does your daughter’s church only allow its members to participate in the Lord’s Supper? I don’t know, of course (although you shouldn’t hesitate to ask the pastor). However, I suspect they take seriously the Bible’s teaching that only believers can understand its meaning, and therefore only those they know to be believers should be allowed to participate.

Be thankful you enjoy your daughter’s church and profit from its ministry. No matter how young or old we are, God doesn’t want us to stand still spiritually, but to continue to be “rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith” (Colossians 2:7).