I'm the only one in my family or among my friends who cares about God, and it's hard trying to stay true to what I know is right.


I'm in high school, and last summer I gave my life to Jesus at a church camp. But I'm the only one in my family or among my friends who cares about God, and it's hard trying to stay true to what I know is right. What would you say to me?


I’m very thankful that you have given your life to Jesus Christ. It’s the most important decision you’ll ever make, and I pray that you won’t let anyone turn you away from Him. Jesus said, “There is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents” (Luke 15:10).

The most important thing I can tell you is that God knows all about the struggles and pressures you face — and He wants to help you overcome them. It’s not easy to take a stand for Christ when we’re all alone and no one supports us or encourages us. But God knows what we’re going through, because His Son endured the same situation. The Bible says, “He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering” (Isaiah 53:3).

Take time each day to be with God, by reading your Bible and praying. Remember: The Bible is God’s Word, and He gave it to us to help us and encourage us. In addition, ask God to help you find other believers who can help and support you. A good place to start might be with others who attended the same church camp you did.

In addition, pray for your family. They need Christ — and God can use you to point them to Himself. Ask God to make you a clear and joyful witness for Christ to those around you. God bless you.