I'm not sure what I believe about God or life after death. Do you have any advice?


My brother-in-law, who's an atheist, says death is the end of us, but I can't bring myself to agree with that. I guess I'm not sure what I believe about God or life after death. Do you have any advice?


You may not be sure what you believe about God or life after death, but the fact that you’ve e-mailed me gives me great hope, because it indicates you don’t want to stay this way. The person who’s in the most danger spiritually is the one who not only doesn’t know what he or she believes — but doesn’t care.

The key is to realize that God doesn’t want you to be left in the dark! God not only created you but loves you and wants you to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He cares for you. How do we know this? We know it because God demonstrated His love for us in a way that almost staggers our imagination: He became a man. That man was Jesus Christ, who was both fully man and fully God. The Bible says, “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form” (Colossians 2:9).

Why did He come? He came for one reason: To reconcile us to God. We’re separated from God because of our sins, and we can never make ourselves acceptable to God by our own efforts. But by His death Jesus became the final and complete sacrifice for our sins, and by His resurrection He proved there is life beyond the grave. Now by faith and trust in Him, we can be forgiven and made part of God’s family forever.

Don’t wander in a fog of doubt any longer. Instead, turn to Jesus Christ and give your life to Him. He alone gives us hope — both now and forever.