I'm new to church-going, because we never had anything to do with religion when I was a kid.


I'm new to church-going, because we never had anything to do with religion when I was a kid. Now I'm going to a church I like, but I don't always understand things. For example, they talk a lot about being a disciple, but what does that mean?


I’m thankful you’ve decided not to go down the same path your family did. Millions today go through life acting as if God doesn’t even exist — but He does, and our lives are never complete when we ignore Him. Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10).

The word “disciple” is found frequently in the New Testament to describe Jesus’ followers. The word is filled with meaning, and actually has three dimensions or parts to it. A disciple first of all was someone who believed in Jesus — that is, who was convinced He was the divine Son of God who came from heaven to save us from our sins. A disciple was also someone who learned from Jesus — that is, someone who listened to Him and absorbed His teaching. Finally, a disciple was someone who followed Jesus — that is, someone who tried to obey Jesus and live for Him.

A believer… a learner… a follower — these still describe a disciple today. And Jesus still invites us to be His disciples, because He loves us and wants us to know Him in a personal way. More than that, He wants us to bring His light into the darkness of this world.

I invite you to become Jesus’ disciple right now, by asking Him to forgive your sins and take control of your life. Then ask Him to help you become His disciple, by believing in Him, learning from Him, and following Him every day.