I'm in jail for stealing money, and my wife is filing for divorce. Is there anything I can do?


I want to save my marriage but it doesn't look very promising. The problem is, I'm in jail for stealing money from my employer, and my wife says she's so humiliated over what I did that she doesn't want to ever see me again and she's filing for divorce. Is there anything I can do?


From time to time, I receive letters like yours, and they always sadden me because I know God’s will is for us to have a better life. When we make bad decisions and ignore God’s way of living, we always end up in trouble.

I wish I could promise that your wife’s attitude will change—but I can’t. What I can do is urge you to do everything possible to save your marriage—and the first step is to commit your life and your future to God. So far in life, you’ve ignored Him (as you admit elsewhere in your letter)—but God still loves you, and He wants to forgive your past and put you on a new path. Confess your sins to Him, and ask Christ to come into your life and take control of your future.

Then pray—not only for your wife and your marriage, but also for yourself. Your wife’s attitude will never change if she thinks you are the same person you’ve always been, so pray that God will change you and make you worthy of her trust. Even if she refuses to reconsider her decision, you will be a better person—and better equipped to face the future.

Never forget: You are never alone if you know Christ. God has promised, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). No matter what the future holds, put your faith in Christ and learn to walk with Him every day.