I'll finally graduate from college in a few weeks, and I have no idea what I'm going to do.


I'll finally graduate from college in a few weeks, and I have no idea what I'm going to do. I admit I wasted a lot of time and didn't major in anything useful. You'll probably tell me to turn to God, but what good will that do? I need a job.


Yes, I will urge you to turn to God — and for a very practical reason: God knows what you ought to be doing, even if you don’t. He made you… He knows all about you… and He has a perfect plan for your life. Why not turn to Him and ask Him to guide you?

How will He guide you? First, He will guide you by giving you a new goal in life — not just to get a job, but to live for Him and make Him the center of your life. From what you say elsewhere in your letter, you’ve ignored God most of your life and lived only to please yourself. But where has it gotten you? By a simple prayer of faith ask Jesus Christ to take away your sins and take control of your life.

Then ask Him to show you His will for your future. He may not reveal everything you’d like to know — but all you really need to know is the next step. It may be a temporary job… or further education… or exploring an ability you didn’t realize you had.

You can’t change the past, but you can change the future by seeking God’s will instead of your own. God loves you, and His way is always best. The Bible’s promise is true: “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you” (Psalm 32:8).