If God loved us He wouldn't let disasters like Hurricane Katrina take place. How can anyone believe God cares for us when something like that happens?


I've decided that it's just a fantasy to say God loves us. If He loved us He wouldn't have stood by and let disasters like Hurricane Katrina take place. How can anyone believe God cares for us when something like that happens?


Several months ago my son Franklin and I visited the New Orleans area and spoke with many of those whose lives had been devastated by that disaster. Franklin, in fact, has actually made a number of visits to that area, because the organization he heads, Samaritan’s Purse, has been deeply involved in relief work (which is still very much needed).

Do you know what Franklin told me before our visit? He said that he hadn’t heard one person blame God for what happened, or strike out at Him and claim He didn’t care. Instead many people were thanking God for helping them, and for bringing others to help them as well. In the midst of so much suffering, they had discovered “the peace of God, which transcends all understanding” (Philippians 4:7).

No, I don’t understand why God allows so much evil in the world. Someday we will understand—but not yet. But I do know this: Satan is responsible for the evil in the world, not God. The Bible says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him” (Psalm 34:8).

I also know that someday all the evil in our world will be destroyed, and Christ will reign in perfect justice and love. Are you ready for that day? You can be, by giving your life to Jesus Christ. He loves you—whether you realize it or not—and life’s greatest joy comes from knowing Him.