I'd never admit it openly, but to be honest I'm not sure I believe in sending missionaries to other parts of the world.


I'm on a committee planning a missions conference in our church. I'd never admit it openly, but to be honest I'm not sure I believe in sending missionaries to other parts of the world. After all, those people already have their own religion, don't they?


I commend your church for wanting to support those who are called as missionaries to other parts of the world. Never has the need been greater, and never have the opportunities (and challenges) been so abundant.

Remember, Jesus’ final command to His disciples to go into all the world and preach the Gospel has never been withdrawn, and we must take it very seriously. Your own church exists because centuries ago men and women took Jesus’ command seriously, and committed their lives to bringing the good news of God’s love in Christ to our forefathers. Jesus declared, “This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14).

The real question I urge you to face, however, is this: Who is Jesus Christ? If He was only a great religious teacher, then you might be right; why bother telling others about Him? But the Bible tells us that He was far more than this: He was God in human flesh, who came from heaven to save us from our sins. Because of this, the Bible says, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).

Make sure of your personal commitment to Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord. Then ask God to help you and your committee to focus on Christ and His plan for the nations.