I'd like to turn my life over to God, but I'm afraid of what my friends will think of me. I know you'll probably say this isn't a very good excuse, but I can't help worrying about it. I don't want to lose my friends.


I'd like to turn my life over to God, but I'm afraid of what my friends will think of me. I know you'll probably say this isn't a very good excuse, but I can't help worrying about it. I don't want to lose my friends.


It’s not wrong for you to stop and consider the cost of giving your life to Jesus Christ – because there will be a cost. Others may misunderstand us, or even turn their backs on us – just as they did with Jesus. Jesus warned, “‘No servant is greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also” (John 15:20).

But I hope you’ll also stop and consider the cost of not committing your life to Christ and being His follower. If you turn your back on Him, you will go through life without His presence with you, and you’ll also never be able to turn to Him when troubles come and you need God’s help. More than that, you’ll have no hope of eternal life, and you’ll face the terrible reality of spending eternity separated from the joy of God’s presence in Heaven. Don’t take your decision lightly!

Right now you fear losing your friends – and you may. But you may not; you may even find them admiring you for your courage, and yearning to give their lives to Christ also. Christ came to give us life – new life right now, and eternal life in heaven. Your friends need this life – and God may want to use you to tell them the good news of Jesus.

I’ve never met a Christian who regretted giving their life to Christ – never. Nor will you. By faith open your heart to Him, and then discover the joy of His friendship forever.