I'd like to start my life all over again. What do you think I ought to include on my list of New Year's resolutions?


I know I've had a pretty messed up life so far—several marriages, drugs, lots of affairs, a couple of abortions, you name it. But I'd like to start all over again, so I've been trying to make some New Year's resolutions recently. What do you think I ought to include on my list?


The most important resolution you can make is to turn your back on the way you’ve been living and open your heart and life to the Lord Jesus Christ. In fact, this isn’t just a resolution; it’s a wholehearted commitment–a commitment of your whole life to Jesus Christ. Let me explain.

You see, so far in life you have been traveling on the wrong road. Yes, it promised you happiness and pleasure–but (as you have discovered) its promises were a lie. Why stay on it any longer? Jesus warned, “Wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it” (Matthew 7:13).

But is there another road you can follow? Yes! It is the road God has provided for you in Jesus Christ–and you can only get on it through faith in Him. That is why I urge you to make the most important decision any person can ever make–the decision to turn your life over to Jesus. He will forgive you and cleanse you of your sins, and He will put your feet on a new path–His path.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking you can change your life by yourself. You need Christ–and He wants to help you, because He loves you. By a simple prayer of faith leave the past behind and begin your new life with Christ.