I wish someone had told me how hard it is to be a single mom.


I wish someone had told me how hard it is to be a single mom. I thought getting a divorce would be the answer to all my problems but all it did was create bigger problems. I don't have a question, but maybe my letter will help someone avoid my mistakes.


Thank you for your letter — and I too hope it will help someone who is heading down a wrong path in life to realize the consequences of what they’re about to do. Almost nothing is harder than being a single parent, whatever the reason.

Why is this? What makes it so hard? One reason is that now you have no one you can turn to who will fully share your burdens and help you carry them. You must bear them alone — and that’s never easy. You also must bear life’s financial burdens alone — and that can be devastating. The Bible wisely says, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work” (Ecclesiastes 4:9).

My prayer is that you will turn your burdens — and your whole life — over to Jesus Christ. God loves you, and even when life seems to turn against us, He is with us and wants to help us. We are never alone when we know Christ. Jesus’ invitation is for you: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Invite Him to come into your life today.

Then ask God for wisdom to deal with the problems you face. Some churches, for example, have programs to help single moms get away for a few hours. Ask God also to make you the best mother you can be to your children. It’s the greatest gift you’ll ever give them.