I think I can honestly say that I'm not afraid of death, because I've committed my life to Jesus. But I am afraid of the process of dying.


I think I can honestly say that I'm not afraid of death, because I've committed my life to Jesus and I know I'll go to be with Him in heaven. But I have to admit I'm afraid of the process of dying, especially after seeing my aunt die of bone cancer. Is this just a lack of faith on my part?


No, not necessarily. No one likes pain, and no one would willingly go through the painful experience your aunt did. Even Jesus recoiled from the agony He knew He would face on the cross: “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me” (Matthew 26:39).

But let me point out two truths. First, none of us knows exactly how we will die – so why worry about it? Some are called upon to face prolonged periods of pain and progressive weakness before they die. Others, however, may have little or no warning of their death. Like the rich man in Jesus’ parable who thought he had many years ahead of him to live a life of self indulgence, God declares that “This very night your life will be demanded from you” (Luke 12:20). Either way, we must be prepared, by making sure we have trusted Christ for our salvation.

The second truth is this: No matter what the future holds for us, we’re never alone if we know Christ. He is with us and will strengthen us, and He will never abandon us. The Bible says, “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all” (2 Corinthians 4:17).

Above all, always keep focused on Christ, and on the hope we have of heaven because of Him. He endured far more than you and I ever will – and some day we will see Him face to face.