I suppose you'd say that every sin is wrong, but aren't some a lot worse than others?


I suppose you'd say that every sin is wrong, but aren't some a lot worse than others? A friend and I were talking the other day and we got to debating what is the absolutely worst sin a person could commit, but we never did come to any conclusion.


Yes, in God’s eyes all sin is wrong, because all sin is a violation of God’s will. As someone has said, whenever we sin, we are shaking our fists in the face of God.

From a human standpoint, however, some sins are certainly worse than others, because of the harm they do. This is why under the Old Testament law some sins (like murder or stealing) were judged more severely than other sins.

At the same time, the Bible doesn’t spotlight one sin as being the worst in God’s eyes. God is absolutely pure and holy, and even the littlest sin is still evil in His sight. The Bible says, “To fear the Lord is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech” (Proverbs 8:13). The Bible also says, “‘Do not plot evil against your neighbor, and do not love to swear falsely. I hate all this,’ declares the Lord” (Zechariah 8:17).

The Bible does, however, say that one sin—and only one—is unforgivable. That is the sin of turning away from God and refusing the forgiveness and salvation He offers us in Jesus Christ. But God loves us and He wants to forgive us and welcome us into His family forever. Have you accepted the gift of salvation He offers us in His Son, Jesus Christ?