I still have a lot of garbage left over from my old life. God must be very upset at me.


I have been a Christian about two years now, and I really want to follow Jesus. But I still have a lot of garbage left over from my old life that keeps cropping up—things like anger and bad thoughts about people and vile language. I know these aren't right but how can I get rid of them? God must be very upset at me.


The most important thing I can say to you is that God still loves you, and He wants to help you get rid of all these things from the past. And He will, as you learn to turn to Him for the strength you need to conquer them.

You see, when you gave your life to Jesus Christ, God Himself came to live within you by His Holy Spirit. And one reason the Holy Spirit has been given to us is to help us in our battle with sin. We can’t overcome sin in our own strength—but with God’s help we can. The Bible says, “The Spirit helps us in our weakness” (Romans 8:26).

Therefore, when temptations come or you find yourself fighting these evil things from your past, turn immediately to God and ask Him to fill you and help you. Don’t let a minute go by without turning the battle over to Him! You are not alone, for Christ is with you and wants to help you.

In the long run, however, the key is to fill your heart and mind with Christ—for when you do, there won’t be any room left for these things from your past. Fill your heart and mind with God’s Word: Read it, study it, learn it, memorize it. The Bible says, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2).