I really prayed about college, and I thought God was telling me to go here, but now I'm not sure.


I've just been in college a few days, and already I'm wondering if I've made a mistake. I haven't made any friends, and I don't even like most of what I'm taking. I really prayed about college, and I thought God was telling me to go here, but now I'm not sure. What should I do now?


I urge you to stay right where you are (unless you become absolutely convinced that God is leading you elsewhere). Your experience isn’t unusual; many find college (or any other major change in life) a bit disorienting at first.

I hope you will remember two very important truths about God’s will as you adjust to college. First, just because we are in God’s will doesn’t mean that our path will always be smooth or easy. No one sought to follow God’s will more closely than the Apostle Paul, and yet he repeatedly faced trials and difficulties that would have overwhelmed a person of lesser faith. The Bible says, “Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons” (Hebrews 12:7).

Second, even when times are hard or confusing or even lonely, God never abandons us if we know Him. In fact, He is with us every step of the way! If you have committed your life to Christ, He is with you at college just as much as He was at home. Jesus’ promise is for you: “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20).

Ask God to lead you to other Christians on your campus; watch your campus bulletin board for notices about Christian groups that will welcome you. You need your brothers and sisters in Christ during these days, and they also need you.