I read about some missionaries in a foreign country who were captured by some rebels and beaten. Why would they put themselves in such a dangerous place?


Recently, I read about some missionaries in a foreign country who were captured by some rebels there and then beaten and left for dead. Why would they put themselves in such a dangerous place?


If you could somehow ask those missionaries why they were willing to risk their lives by going to such a dangerous place, I have no doubt that they’d reply, “We went because God sent us there.”

After all, Jesus Christ left the safety of heaven to come to the most dangerous place of all: this world. Why was it a dangerous place for Him–so dangerous that it ended up putting Him to death? The reason is because this world is in rebellion–rebellion against God. We don’t like to admit it, but we too are rebels–rebels against God–because we want to be independent from Him and run our own lives. The Bible says, “Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior” (Colossians 1:21).

Why, then, did Jesus come–in spite of the danger? He came because God loves us, and He yearns for us to be reconciled to Himself and be part of His family forever. God’s love for us is so great that He was willing to sacrifice the life of His Son for us. Have you received His love by opening your heart to Christ?

In the same way, those missionaries you read about were willing to sacrifice everything–even their lives–so others could come to know Christ. Ask God to give you a greater love for those who don’t know Him, and then to help you be a witness for Christ in all you do and say.