I know you've said that we'll never have world peace until Jesus comes again, but does that mean governments and diplomats shouldn't at least try to work toward a more peaceful world?


I know you've said that we'll never have world peace until Jesus comes again, but does that mean governments and diplomats shouldn't at least try to work toward a more peaceful world? Surely God wants us to work for peace, doesn't He?


Yes, of course He does — and we ought to be praying more for those who are trying to bring peace to our world. The Bible says, “Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness” (James 3:18). Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers” (Matthew 5:9).

The problem, however, is that even our best efforts fail to bring lasting peace. Tragically, as soon as one conflict ends another seems to take its place. Our world is still filled with conflicts and wars, and no matter how much we yearn for peace, it still eludes us. Yes, we should strive for peace in every way we possibly can — but we also must face that fact that we will always have “wars and rumors of wars” until the end of this present age (Matthew 24:6).

But this isn’t the whole story! Some day, the Bible says, Jesus Christ — the Prince of Peace — will come again, and when He does, He will establish His kingdom of perfect righteousness and peace. We can barely imagine what that will be like — but it’s true, and He alone is our hope of lasting peace.

In the meantime, does Christ’s peace rule in your heart? And are you seeking to bring His peace to those around you? Put your life into His hands, and then ask Him to help you bring His peace to others. The Bible says, “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace” (Colossians 3:15).