I know you try to stay out of politics, but some very controversial moral issues will be coming up in the next election in our state, and some of us feel we ought to take a public stand and try to get them defeated. Should we?


I know you try to stay out of politics, but some very controversial moral issues will be coming up in the next election in our state, and some of us feel we ought to take a public stand and try to get them defeated. Should we?


Over the years, I have tried to avoid getting involved in partisan politics — and on those few occasions when I may have stepped over the line (at least in some people’s view), I regretted it later. As an evangelist, my calling has been to preach the Gospel to as many people as possible, and I have always wanted to avoid putting up any unnecessary barriers.

But that doesn’t mean Christians should be unconcerned about the problems our society faces — not at all. Nor should we ignore the moral and spiritual issues that undergird our nation — and are often under assault today. The Bible says, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9).

Christians have a responsibility to do what they can to work for what is right; this is one reason why I believe every Christian should vote. God also calls some people to assume political office, or to work in other ways to fight evil and seek to bring about good. Seek God’s will as you consider getting involved in this issue — and whatever you decide, ask God to keep you humble and kind, even toward those with whom you disagree.

The Bible says, “You are the salt of the earth. … You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:13-14). Ask God to make you salt and light to those around you, and point them to the ultimate answer to our world’s problems: Jesus Christ.