I know the Bible says somewhere that before Jesus Christ returns, the Antichrist will come into the world. But how will we recognize him?


I know the Bible says somewhere that before Jesus Christ returns, the Antichrist will come into the world. But how will we recognize him? Isn't he supposed to be able to work miracles and everything, just like Jesus did?


The Bible tells us that as the time for Christ’s return approaches, Satan will unleash one final burst of opposition against God and His plans for the world. One of the ways he will do this is through a person of great power and evil, known as the Antichrist.

And yes, he will be a counterfeit Christ — that is, he will claim to have the same power and authority as Jesus Christ. For example, he will claim to be God, and he will deceive many by his claims and miraculous powers. His one goal will be to deceive people and convince them to follow him instead of Jesus Christ. Only those who know what God’s Word, the Bible, teaches and who follow Christ closely will be able to see through his lies. The Bible says, “He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshipped… proclaiming himself to be God” (2 Thessalonians 2:4).

The Bible, however, tells us two other truths about the Antichrist. First, although he won’t come until the end of the present age, others who are like him are already at work in the world, deceiving people and turning them away from Christ. The Bible says, “Even now many antichrists have come” (1 John 2:18). Don’t be misled by them, but make sure of your commitment to Christ and His Word.

Second, the Bible reminds us that at the end of time Jesus Christ — not the Antichrist, or Satan, or anyone else — will be victorious. Is your faith and hope in Him?