I know I ought to go to church, but I don't because I'm a single mother and I don't have any extra money to buy nice clothes. I don't need people looking down on me.


I know I ought to go to church, but the reason I don't go is because I'm a single mother and I don't have any extra money to buy nice clothes or put something in the offering plate. I've had enough hurts in life, and I don't need people looking down on me.


I sincerely hope you won’t allow these fears to cut you off from church. You need spiritual encouragement and help, and one of the most important ways you can receive these is through fellowship with God’s people in a church where Christ is taught and lived.

After all, the important thing is not how others see you, but how God sees you. And the most important thing I can tell you is that God loves you just as you are! He loves you so much that He wants you to spend all eternity with Him in heaven—and He made this possible by sending His only Son into the world to die for you. Remember: Most of Jesus’ followers were ordinary people who had very little in the way of material goods.

No matter who you are or what your background has been, God wants to forgive your past and give you hope for the future. Jesus’ invitation is for you: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest … and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:28-29).

By faith reach out today and receive the greatest gift you can ever receive—the gift of Jesus Christ. Then ask Him to help you overcome your fears, and to guide you to a church where you will be welcomed by God’s people and can grow in your relationship with Christ.