I hope you'll tell people who are slaves to pornography that God can deliver them also.


I know you sometimes get letters from people who've gotten trapped by pornography on the Internet. I was, too, but God freed me instantly once I gave my life to Jesus, and I hope you'll tell people who are slaves to pornography that God can deliver them also.


Thank you for your testimony — and yes, God can deliver us from every sin that enslaves us, if we turn to Him in repentance and faith, and sincerely seek His help. The Bible says that the gospel of Christ “is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16).

Sometimes God delivers us from a particular sin almost instantly — as was true in your case, when you repented of your sins and gave your life to Jesus Christ. But sometimes a particular sin has such a strong hold on us that it refuses to release its grip without a struggle. Satan doesn’t give up easily!

But God doesn’t give up, either! God loves us, and He doesn’t want us to be enslaved by anything. Sin always hurts us and brings us down; there’s no such thing as an innocent or harmless sin. The Bible’s words are true: “You may be sure that your sin will find you out” (Numbers 32:23). But Jesus Christ came into the world to take away sin’s power over us. Even when sin tries to overwhelm us, we can turn to Him and seek His help.

Perhaps someone reading this is struggling with the same sin you once faced. My prayer is that you will face your need of God, and turn to Christ for forgiveness and strength. Then ask Him to surround you with people who can help you fight temptation and grow spiritually strong.