I heard the other day that you were planning to preach one more time before God takes you to heaven. Is that true?


I heard the other day that you were planning to preach one more time before God takes you to heaven. Is that true?


Yes, it is true — and I'm grateful to God for opening up a unique opportunity for me to do this. I've been told it may be the biggest crusade we've ever held — although it won't be in a stadium, but in homes across North America.

This fall (actually in November, around my 95th birthday), we'll be sponsoring a special outreach across the United States and Canada called “My Hope.” It will include segments from messages I've preached over the years, but also a special Gospel message I'm currently taping. It will be similar to outreaches we've presented in almost 60 countries over the last few years, sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in both word and music, through personal relationships.

What's unique about this is that we're encouraging people to have their neighbors into their homes for dinner or dessert, and then invite them to watch a program and hear the Gospel. Thousands of churches are already involved, urging their members to participate and helping train them to lead others to Christ.

Although it's still several months away, I hope you'll be praying for us as we continue planning for this massive effort. Most of all, pray for your neighbors and friends who don't know Christ, that they'll be open to your invitation to watch the program with you. More than ever, our nation needs to hear the Good News of Christ's love and transforming power. May you, and thousands like you across our nation, become like Matthew, who gave his life to Christ — and then invited his friends to come for dinner so they could meet Jesus (see Matthew 9:9-13).