I have one goal in life, and that's to retire at the age of 50.


I have one goal in life, and that's to retire at the age of 50. A couple of my friends say this isn't a very good goal, but why not? I work hard right now, and I deserve to quit working whenever I want to.


Today millions of Americans will join together to celebrate Labor Day, a special holiday set apart to honor all those who work, and to remember the importance and dignity of work. Where would our society be without the diligence and faithfulness of all who labor?

I can’t say that your goal is definitely wrong; it might even be God’s will for you. However, it concerns me for at least two reasons. First, it suggests that you don’t like to work, and that you don’t see anything of value in it (apart from making a living). But in God’s eyes, our work is an important part of our lives, and we should see it as one of the ways we serve Him (as well as other people). The writer of Ecclesiastes declared, “A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work. This too, I see, is from the hand of God” (Ecclesiastes 2:24).

But your goal concerns me for another reason: It suggests that you’re only concerned about yourself. What will you do with the remaining years of your life, once you retire? Will you pursue a life of self-centered indulgence, living only for yourself? If so, you will end up restless, bored and empty.

Instead, I urge you to put your life into God’s hands by committing your life to Jesus Christ. Put Him at the center of your life, for only then will you find lasting joy and peace and satisfaction.