I grew up in a strong Christian home and I still believe in Christ, but why do so many intelligent people reject Him? This puzzles me.


I just started college a few weeks ago, and my problem is that hardly anyone here seems to take God seriously. Some even laugh at Him. I grew up in a strong Christian home and I still believe in Christ, but why do so many intelligent people reject Him? This puzzles me.


It is true that many intelligent people today reject Christ—but this isn’t the whole story. It has been my privilege over the years to know many leading scientists and scholars who were deeply committed to Jesus Christ, and this is still true.

I have often asked myself why some people have a hard time believing in Christ, especially when there is so much evidence for God’s existence in the world around us. One major reason, I believe, is pride. Pride makes us think that we are the center of the universe, and that we don’t really need God. But pride can be very dangerous, because it blinds us to our faults and our spiritual needs. The Bible warns, “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18).

Spend time each day with God through prayer and the study of His Word, the Bible. In addition, ask God to lead you to other Christians on your campus. You need their fellowship—and they need yours. Above all, ask God to keep you close to Himself, and to guard your heart and mind against Satan’s deceptions.

In addition, seek God’s will for your future. During the next few years you will probably make a number of life-changing decisions. No matter what others around you do, make it your goal to follow Christ in everything.