I grew up in a Christian family, so I know the difference between right and wrong, even if I don't do it. Does this make me even more guilty in God's eyes?


I suppose some people can claim ignorance for the immoral way they live, but I can't. I grew up in a Christian family and had a good church background, so I know the difference between right and wrong, even if I don't do it. Does this make me even more guilty in God's eyes?


Since you understand more clearly than some people do what God expects of you, in one way you are even more guilty in God’s eyes than they are.

This doesn’t mean they are free from guilt, of course–not at all. They are still guilty for their sins in His eyes (and their conscience warns them they are doing wrong). No matter who we are, we all stand guilty before God, because we all have sinned. As the Bible says, “You, therefore, have no excuse” (Romans 2:1).

You have even less excuse than someone with no understanding of God’s Word, because you know what is right. But do you also understand how spiritually dangerous it is for you to keep living in sin? Perhaps in the back of your mind you think you’ll repent and turn to Christ someday–but how do you know that day will ever come? One of the most sobering verses in all the Bible is this: “It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Hebrews 10:31).

Don’t gamble with your soul any longer. The devil will try to convince you to wait–but he is a liar. Instead, repent of your sins and open your heart to Jesus Christ. God loves you in spite of the way you have treated Him, and He wants to welcome you home. Don’t let another minute go by without Christ.