I get very discouraged because my faith seems so shaky. Sometimes I have a very strong faith, but then doubts creep in and I begin to wonder if it's all just an illusion. Is this the way it's supposed to be?


I get very discouraged because my faith seems so shaky. Sometimes I have a very strong faith, but then doubts creep in and I begin to wonder if it's all just an illusion. Is this the way it's supposed to be?


No, this isn’t the way our faith is supposed to be. God wants it to be strong and steadfast — and it will, as we take steps to strengthen it. The Bible says, “Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power” (Ephesians 6:10).

How can your faith grow strong? First, be sure your faith is in Jesus Christ. Many people today say they have faith — but their faith is unfocused, a vague belief in some higher spiritual power. But this kind of faith will never see us through the storms of life, because it has no solid foundation beneath it. Make sure of your commitment to Jesus Christ by turning to Him in repentance and faith, and asking Him to come into your heart and life as your Lord and Saviour.

Then take steps to strengthen your faith in Christ. Just as you need food to grow physically strong, so you need spiritual “food” to grow spiritually strong. What is that “food”? The first part of our spiritual “diet” is the Bible, which is God’s Word. Read it every day, and ask God to speak to you through its pages. Job said, “I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread” (Job 23:12).

In addition, make prayer part of your life, bringing your requests to God and praising Him for all He has done. Ask Him also to guide you to a church where you can grow spiritually and find fellowship with other believers. You need them — and they need you.