I gave my life to Jesus because of a man I met on an airplane. What should I do now?


I didn't come from a religious family (quite the opposite, in fact). But recently I gave my life to Jesus because of a man I met on an airplane. What should I do now?


I’m thankful you’ve given your life to Jesus Christ, for it’s the most important decision you’ll ever make. Not only does it assure you of eternal life in heaven some day, but it assures you also of God’s constant presence and guidance right now.

I’m thankful, too, that you realize your decision for Christ should be the beginning of a new life — a life lived for God. Just as a baby isn’t meant to stay a baby forever but to grow up and become an adult, so you — as a spiritual “baby” — are meant to grow in your faith and become spiritually strong and mature. The Bible says, “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation” (1 Peter 2:2).

Just as a baby needs food, so you need spiritual “food” as part of your daily diet. What is the “food” God provides for you? First of all, God has given us the Bible, which is His Word. Set aside time every day (even if it’s only a few minutes at first) to read God’s Word, starting perhaps with one of the Gospels, such as John. God has also given us the spiritual “food” of prayer. Thank God for all He’s done for you every day, and learn to bring every concern to Him in prayer.

Finally, ask God to guide you to a church where you can learn more about Christ and have fellowship with other believers. Also, talk with the pastor about taking a public stand for Christ through baptism. May God bless you.