I decided to give my life to Jesus a few months ago, but what do I do now?


I decided to give my life to Jesus a few months ago, but what do I do now? I guess I'm supposed to give up my bad habits, but what else is there to it?


When we give our lives to Jesus, the Bible tells us two very important things happen to us. First, we become His sons and daughters — members of His family forever. Second, God Himself comes into our lives and takes up residence within our hearts by His Spirit. Think of it: You now belong to God, and He now lives within you! All this has happened because Jesus Christ came to take away your sins.

In other words, you now have a personal relationship with the living God. But like any other relationship, it needs to be nurtured and to grow. How does this happen? It happens as we spend time with God, and learn to walk with Him every day. The Bible says, “Blessed are those… who walk in the light of your presence, O Lord” (Psalm 89:15).

How do we spend time with God? First, we spend time with Him through His Word, the Bible. God speaks to us in it, telling us about His love and showing us how He wants us to live. Then we also speak to God as we pray, thanking Him for all He does for us and telling Him our concerns. In addition, we grow closer to Him as we learn from other Christians. Ask God to guide you to a church where you can learn more about Him and have fellowship with other believers.

Thank God for His love for you — and then ask Him to help you respond to His love by turning from your sins and becoming more like Jesus every day. God bless you.