I believe in life after death, but the thought of dying scares me. Maybe if I had more faith I wouldn't feel this way.


Do you fear death? I guess I believe in life after death, but I have to admit that the thought of dying scares me. Maybe if I had more faith I wouldn't feel this way.


No one looks forward to the process of dying, of course; I think we all shrink back from the thought of the prolonged pain or lingering disability that often comes as we approach death.

But no, I don’t fear death. In fact, I look forward to it—and the reason is because I know that when I die I will go into God’s presence forever. This world is temporary; heaven is forever. This world is filled with sorrow and pain; heaven is filled with joy and freedom. This world is filled with insecurity and turmoil; heaven is filled with security and peace. In heaven, “There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away” (Revelation 21:4).

How do I know I will go to heaven when I die? Not because I’ve been good enough, or because I’ve been a preacher. I know I will go to heaven when I die for one reason: Jesus Christ died and rose again so all my sins could be forgiven. When you and I trust Christ and what He did for us, the Bible says, we have “an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade—kept in heaven for you” (1 Peter 1:4).

And this can be your assurance, as well. You don’t need to fear death! Instead, turn to Christ and ask Him to forgive your sins and come into your life today—and He will. Only one thing will keep us out of heaven, and that is our sin. But Christ died to take away our sin. Put your trust in Him without delay.