I believe in God, and I guess I believe in Jesus. But I have a friend who says she talks with Jesus every day, and she says she knows she'll go to heaven when she dies. I wish I had her kind of faith, but how can I get it?


I believe in God, and I guess I believe in Jesus. But I have a friend who says she talks with Jesus every day, and she says she knows she'll go to heaven when she dies. I wish I had her kind of faith, but how can I get it?


The most important thing I can tell you is that God loves you and wants you to have the same kind of close relationship to Him that your friend has. More than that, He has done everything necessary to make it possible.

Let me answer your question by posing three questions. First, who are we? The Bible says we aren’t here by chance; we are here because God created us, and He put us here for a purpose – to live for Him. But the Bible also tells us that something went wrong – and that “something” was sin. We have rebelled against God and chosen to go our own way, and because of this we have become separated from Him. As the Bible says, we are “without hope and without God in the world” (Ephesians 2:12).

The second question is this: Who was Jesus Christ? The Bible tells us something very wonderful: Jesus Christ was God in human flesh. He wasn’t just a great man; He was God! And He came into the world for one reason: to become the complete sacrifice for our sins. By His death and resurrection we can have hope – hope of forgiveness and new life today, and hope of life in heaven.

But one question remains: What must we do? The Bible tells us that salvation is a free gift, purchased for us with the blood of Jesus Christ. But like any gift, we must receive it – and that is what you must do with Christ. By a simple prayer of faith turn to Christ and ask Him to come into your life today – and He will.