How do you know if God healed you of something or if it was the medicine?


How do you know if God healed you of something or if it was the medicine? I've had some serious health problems during the last year, and now that they are behind me I don't know if my prayers were responsible or if it was because of the medical care I got.


Did it ever occur to you that the doctors and the medicines might have been the tools that God used to bring healing to you?

In other words, we shouldn’t think that faith in God and good medicine are opposed to each other, or that they don’t have anything to do with each other. God made the physical laws that govern the universe (including our bodies), and He also gave us our skills and abilities (including the ability to develop new treatments and new medicines). The Bible also says that through His Son, Jesus Christ, He continues to rule over the whole creation: “By him all things were created … and in him all things hold together” (Colossians 1:16-17).

The real question for you, however, is this: How should you react to what has happened to you? First, react with thankfulness. God answered your prayers, and He alone deserves the credit. The Bible says we should be “always giving thanks to God the Father for everything” (Ephesians 5:20).

Then react with commitment—commitment to seek God’s will and do it. Every day is a gift from God—a gift to be used for His glory. Don’t waste your life, but commit your life to Christ, and then ask Him to help you share His love with those around you every day.