How can you say that God is a loving God when so much of the Bible talks about God judging people?


How can you say that God is a loving God when so much of the Bible talks about God judging people? That doesn't sound very kind and loving to me.


One of the Bible’s greatest truths is that God is holy and therefore hates evil—and yet He also is loving and merciful. From one end to the other, the Bible stresses both of these truths: God’s judgment on sin and God’s love for sinners.

But I can understand why you might have a hard time understanding this. After all, it sounds illogical to say that God hates sin but also loves us sinners (which is what we are). If God were only pure and holy, then we could understand why He would hate evil and bring judgment upon it. Or if God were only loving, we could understand why He shows mercy and kindness to us, in spite of our failings.

But both are true! God is pure and holy, and because of that He hates evil of every kind. He hates the evils of sickness and death; He hates also the evils of racism and injustice. God hates evil, no matter where it’s found.

But God is also loving and merciful; as the Bible says, “God is love” (1 John 4:16). And the proof is that He sent His only Son into the world to take upon Himself the judgment we deserve for our sins. We deserve to die—but He died in our place. We deserve God’s judgment—but He endured it for us. The Bible says, “This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins” (1 John 4:10). Have you received God’s gift of forgiveness by asking Christ to come into your heart? Invite Him into your life today.