I enjoy my friend's company, but sometimes he gets off on racial issues, and his intolerance and bigotry really make me very uncomfortable. I tried to say something to him about it once, but it just made him angry. How should I handle this?
Racial or ethnic prejudice is a sin in God’s eyes, and it should be wrong in our eyes, as well. God created the whole human race, and His love embraces the whole human race.
How do we know this? We know it for many reasons, but most of all because Jesus Christ died on the cross to save people from every race and ethnic background. Even some of the earliest Christians had a hard time understanding this at first, but in time they did, and God confirmed it by bringing all kinds of people into His kingdom. Some day in heaven, we’ll join all believers in praising God for Christ’s mercy and grace. The Bible says, “With your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation” (Revelation 5:9).
Racial intolerance isn’t confined to America; in my travels, I discovered it happens almost everywhere. But this is no excuse for ignoring it or simply wishing it would go away. Ask God to erase any prejudice from your own heart, and then to help you be an example to your friend.
In addition, pray for him, and ask God to give you wisdom in knowing how to help him overcome his prejudices. The greatest thing you can do for your friend, however, is to urge him to give his life to Jesus Christ. Once Christ fills our hearts and minds, we begin to see others through His eyes. When we do that, prejudice flees and love takes its place.