God's love and forgiveness are infinite


Why does God offer to forgive us, no matter how bad we've been? I don't see why God even puts up with us, since we've rejected Him and broken every law He ever gave us. If I were God, I think I'd just do away with the human race.


No matter what we’ve done or how rebellious we’ve been, God offers to forgive us for only one reason: He loves us. It doesn’t seem logical, and we don’t deserve it, but it’s still true: in spite of all our sins, He loves us. The Bible says, “I have loved you with an everlasting love” (Jeremiah 31:3).

How do we know this is true? You’ve already pointed out one reason: If He didn’t love us, He surely would have destroyed us long ago! After all, if someone treated us as badly as we’ve treated God, we’d probably strike back at them and even try to destroy them. But God isn’t like us; His love is infinite. The Bible says, “For I am God and not a man … I will not come in wrath” (Hosea 11:9, ESV).

But the main reason we know God loves us is because of Jesus Christ. He was God in human flesh, and He came into this world for one reason: to make our forgiveness possible. He did this by becoming the final and complete sacrifice for our sins, through dying on the cross for us. As the Bible says, God “loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins” (1 John 4:10).

Has God’s love become a reality in your life? It will, as you accept God’s gift of forgiveness by confessing your sins and by faith asking Christ to come into your life. Don’t let another day go by without Him.

God doesn’t give up on us. Do you need His forgiveness? Begin here.