God is helping me break free from Internet porn. It's still a struggle, however, so please pray for me.


Thank you for answering a question recently about pornography. I've been hooked on Internet porn for several years, and I always excused it by saying it wouldn't hurt me. But now I know better, and God is helping me break free. It's still a struggle, however, so please pray for me.


I’m thankful you have turned to God to help you break free of pornography’s evil grip. Few things pollute a person’s mind and soul as thoroughly as pornography—and it can be just as addictive as a dangerous drug.

You can be sure the devil will battle you every inch of the way as you turn your back on this habit. He always attacks us where we are weak, and we need to be alert to his schemes. The Bible says, “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). Don’t be deceived: He is your enemy!

The most important thing you can do, however, is to grow in your faith and your commitment to Christ. Elsewhere in your letter, you admit that you turned to Christ because you felt so weak—and I’m thankful for this, because you need His strength. Take time each day to read your Bible and pray, and turn to other believers for the help and encouragement you need.

The Bible says, “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you” (James 4:7-8). This is God’s promise to you. Don’t give the devil any room to work, but resist his enticements. Put a filter on your computer … move it to a more public area … and ask Christ to fill your mind with His love and purity.